Sharps Injury Policy
Last updated 14.03.2023
We shall ensure that in respect of its practice-based quality assurance system, it has nominated a person to be responsible for operating that system and will ensure:
- Effective measures of infection control are used;
- All legal requirements relating to health and safety in the workplace are satisfied;
- All legal requirements relating to radiological protection are satisfied;
- Any requirements of the General Dental Council in respect of the continuing professional development of dental practitioners are satisfied; and
- The requirement to display in a prominent position the written statement relating to the quality assurance system
In proposing treatment, we will consider patients own wishes. We will explain options, where appropriate, and costs, so that patients can make an informed choice. We will always explain what we are doing. We will do all we can to look after dental health. We will ask you about patient’s general health, and bout any medicines being taken. This helps us treat patients safely. We will keep all information about patients confidential.
Contamination control is also essential to the safety of our patients. Every practice member receives training in practice systems for contamination control. All staff joining the practice are given training in practice-wide procedures. Once a year there is an individual review of training needs for everyone in the practice.
We ask and advise patents about tobacco and alcohol use because they increase risk to dental intervention and oral cancer risk.
Practice working methods are reviewed regularly at meetings. We encourage all staff to make suggestions for improving the care we give patients. We regularly ask patients for their views on our services and we have systems for dealing promptly with patient complaints and for ensuring that lessons are learned from any mistakes we make.
All dental professionals in the practice take part in continuing professional development meeting GDC and requirements. We aim to keep up to date with current thinking on all aspects of general dentistry, including preventative care, which reduces a patient’s need for treatment.
All members of the practice know of the need to ensure that dentists are working safely. In the unlikely event that a dentist in this practice becomes unfit to practice, we have systems to ensure that concerns are investigated and, if necessary, acted upon.
Approved by: Cassandra Pantazi, Jakobus Krynauw
Date published: 25/10/2021